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Clean it twice a day, once in the morning once at night! Make sure hands are clean, 

use a  cotton tip covered in a sterile saline solution wipe the front and back of piercing! 


No twisting or turning the jewellery as it can cause extra scarring or even introduce new bacteria to the area. 

Try your best not to sleep on it or bump or knock your fresh piercing. 

Tips: We do all of our piercings with a slightly longer bar to accomodate for any swelling,

If you do bump/ knock or accidentally sleep on your fresh piercing it is recommended to hold ice in a clean paper towel over it to reduce any extra swelling.

 Ibuprofen can also help to get the swelling down. 

What to expect:

Your piercing is likely to get crusty on the front and or back of your ear during the healing process, You should only remove crusties with a cotton tip 

and saline solution. Discharge is normal! 

Piercings tend to create a clear or white discharge while healing. 

Normally a yellow discharge will mean your piercing is a bit irritated and a green discharge means an infection.

If you’re unsure our piercers are always happy to take a look and let you know how your healing is going. 

Healing time: standard lobe 4-6 weeks to comfortably downsize your jewellery



Do: clean it once in the morning once at night, with clean hands and a cotton swab covered in a sterile saline solution. Clean the front and back of the piercing. 


Don’t: twist or turn your fresh piercing, or touch with unclean hands. Avoid changing your jewelry to a ring too early and do your best to avoid sleeping on it. 


Tips: ibuprofen can help with excess swelling. 

It is recommended to ice cartilage piercings as well as they are very prone to swelling up as they are in a high-risk area for bumping or knocking.

You can apply pressure with a saline covered cotton tip on the top and bottom of your piercing to help reduce your chances of keloids or hypertrophic scarring. 

Get someone to check the back of your piercing every few days to make sure your hair isn’t getting wrapped around the bar at the back.


What to expect: cartilage piercings tend to be harder to heal than other piercings

 and have a higher chance of developing keloids or hypertrophic scars.

Discharge is normal! A clear or a white discharge is to be expected. If it turns yellow, it’s most likely irritated if it’s green your piercing is most likely infected. 




6-8 weeks until a smaller stud can be comfortably put in, 2-3 months before a ring should be put in your healing piercing.



downsize can be done in the first 6-8 weeks but it is recommended waiting 2-3 months before changing to fancy jewelry. 

6-12 months before the piercing would be considered fully healed. 




 can be one of the hardest ear piercings to heal. 

It is recommended to downsize your bar in the first 4-6 weeks to reduce your chances of catching it and creating extra scarring. 

It will take 6-12 months to be fully healed but should be comfortable to change within 3-4 months. 




approximately 8 weeks before you will want to downsize your piercing. Rooks can swell, using ice and ibuprofen will help. 

It is recommended to take your time and not rush the healing process by trying to change your jewelry too early. Should be fully healed in 6-12 months. 




can be downsized within the first 6-8 weeks, to help reduce movement of your piercing. 

A ring shouldn’t be worn until 3-4 months into the healing process. Avoid wearing headphones of any kind in the first month. 

This piercing will be considered fully healed in 6-12 months depending on the aftercare.  




are pierced with quite a long bar to allow for excess swelling. This should be downsized in the first 4-6 weeks.

A ring is typically the most popular type of jewelry for this piercing but should not be worn until 3-4 months into its healing process.

This piercing will take 6-12 months to be considered fully healed


Do: salt water wash your mouth (1 cup of warm water to 1/4 teaspoon of salt)  out after everything you eat drink or smoke. 
Smoking and alcohol is not recommended during the piercings healing process. 
Don’t: flip up your ring, or play with your jewellery with tongue or fingers, unless you are checking that the ball is screwed on tight still, make sure hands are clean! 
What to expect: smiley piercings tend to be pretty painless. 
You may feel a small bit of pressure or pain when waking up in the morning/ brushing your teeth or eating. This should go away by the second to third week 
Tips: avoid eating hard foods for the first week, brush your teeth slowly until you’re used to your new piercing. 
Healing time: 3-4 weeks before a smiley piercing tends to be painless. 
There is always big chance of rejection from these piercings depending on your aftercare and how much pressure your top lip has on your piercing. Most of the time they can be re-pierced.


Do: Clean it twice a day, once in the morning once at night, with clean hands and a cotton tip covered in a sterile saline solution top and bottom.

 Make sure to clean behind your piercing as well as bacteria and dry skin can hide inside your navel behind your piercing 

Don’t: do any heavy lifting, avoid going to the gym for the first week or two. Avoid wearing any tight fitted clothing or high waisted pants. 

Tips: navel piercings can be prone to keloids or hypertrophic scarring due to them being in a high movement area. 

Putting pressure on both the top and bottom of the piercing can help reduce this. 

What to expect: navel piercings tend to create a lot of discharge and crust. If your discharge is clear or white it’s considered normal.

 If it’s yellow it’s likely your piercing is irritated and needs to be downsized and if it’s green you most likely have an infection. 

Healing time: 4-6 weeks before down sizing your jewellery 6–12 months before being fully healed. 







Do: Clean the front of the piercing twice a day, once in the morning once at night. with clean hands and  a 

cotton swab covered in a sterile saline solution.

 For the inside of your mouth wash out with salt water wash (1 cup or warm water to 1/4 teaspoon of salt) after everything you eat, drink and smoke. 

It is best to avoid nicotine and alcohol. 

Don’t: twist or turn your jewellery, avoid playing with the longer bars with your teeth as it will likely cause more damage. 

Tips: Try eat slowly for the first few weeks. Avoid spicy or hard foods.  

What to expect: lip piercings are very prone to swelling, because of this you will have a very long sized bar in your lip when first pierced. 

Healing time: you will want to downsize your lip bar in the first 3-4 weeks once the swelling has gone down.

 You will want to wait 2-3 months before changing it to a ring. It will take 3-6 months for your piercing to be fully healed.


Do: Clean it twice a day, once in the morning once at night. with clean hands and a cotton swab covered in a sterile saline solution top and bottom (on each side for a septum) 

Don’t: Avoid flipping your septum up until fully healed to reduce the chances or keloids and hypertrophic scarring.

 Flipping up your fresh septum can also increase your chances of your piercing migrating or rejecting. Avoid twisting your nose jewellery. 

Putting a ring in your fresh nose piercing too early can also increase your change of keloids and hypertrophic scarring. It is recommended to wait 2-3 months for a ring. 

Tips: it is recommended to check the tightness of the balls on your nose or septum piercing every 2-3 days as your piercing is in a high movement area. 

What to expect: take blowing your nose very gently while your piercing is healing as your nose will be tender/ sore 

Healing time: your septum will take 6-12 months to be considered fully healed. Nose piercing 3-6 months to be considered fully healed.


Do: Clean it twice a day, once in the morning once at night, with clean hands and  a cotton swab covered in a sterile saline solution 

on each side of your fresh piercing. 

Don’t: avoid any makeup or face washes entering the area 

What to expect: bridge and eyebrow piercings (surface piercings) are prone to rejecting.

 It’s important to downsize your jewellery to avoid catching or ripping your piercing. 

There is always a risk of bruising developing around the area as these piercings are done in a sensitive spot.

Icing your piercing can help reduce the chances of this. 

Tips: avoid twisting or playing with your piercing to help reduce the chances of keloids or hypertrophic scarring 

Healing time: you will want to down size your piercing in the first 6-8 weeks. Your piercing will take 3-6 months to be considered fully healed.



Do: Clean it twice a day, once in the morning once at night with clean hands and  a cotton swab covered in a sterile saline solution on both sides. 

Don’t: avoid having baths or soaking your piercing for the first month, 

Tips: avoid wearing a bra whenever you can. Lace bras or sports bras will get caught on your fresh piercing. It’s recommended to ice your piercing especially if you bump or knock it. Ibuprofen can always be used to reduce swelling. 

What to expect: nipples are very prone to creating discharge, a clear or a white discharge is considered normal. A yellow discharge normally means your piercing is irritated and a green discharge typically means an infection. 

Healing time: you will want to downsize your jewellery in the first 1-2 months. Avoid putting any kind of ring in your nipple piercing til 3-4 months in. Your piercing should take 6-12 months to be considered fully healed.


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